Wireless Service Providers

Many telecommunication companies are operating as cellular and wireless service providers in the United States and Canada. Some of them have been around for decades, while others have just entered the market of communication. Many of the mobile network operators today provide access not only to wireless talks and messages but also to the Internet. Every year the coverage network of the cellular phone and smartphone wireless service providers (including providers of free government smartphones) increases, so more and more people can enjoy the benefits of wireless communication.

Below is the list of wireless services providers serving customers in North America. The companies are listed alphabetically. Click on a provider of your interest to learn more about the

If you are already a customer of a cell phone service provider and want to contact its customer service, please, see the Customer Service page for contact details.

Cellular and Wireless Service Providers

Absolute Mobile

Access Wireless

Alaska Communications

American Assistance

Amerimex Wireless (It has become SafetyNet Wireless.)

Assist Wireless

Assurance Wireless

Blue Jay Wireless (The company is no longer providing cellular services.)

Budget Mobile (The company is no longer providing cellular services.)

Care Wireless (The company is no longer providing cellular services.)

Cellular One

Cintex Wireless

Some of the companies listed here are the providers of free government cell phones and smartphones. These operators give eligible subscribers a free gadget along with a totally free or discounted monthly minutes and texts plan. It is done through the government-supported Lifeline assistance program. Check out specific terms and conditions for getting free touch screen government phones on a page of a wireless service provider.

Every cellular service provider has its special terms of services. Please, make sure you are aware of all pros and cons of getting a subscription before becoming a customer of some company.

If you have not found the wireless service provider you have been looking for in the list above, please, leave a comment below, and we will make sure to update the list.