Absolute Mobile Free Government Cell Phone Program

Wireless services, provided by Absolute Mobile, are offered for all those wishing to participate in the Congress’s Lifeline assistance program. Currently, the provider serves customers in Arkansas, Nevada, and Puerto Rico and has a plan of expanding to a few more states. At the same time, the cell phone coverage area of this company is not limited to the participating states so that the subscribers can use Absolute Mobile free cell phones elsewhere.

General eligibility rules for interested in applying are standard for most of the Lifeline program carriers. Typically, the difference is in the state-specific regulations.  A typical applicant has to be participating in one of the other government’s help programs, a list of which is shown for every state. Also, an applicant has to bear in mind that the policy strictly regulates a total of one number, either for a cell phone or for a landline phone, per household can be provided as an assistance.

Enrolling in Absolute Mobile Program, Application

There is still a chance for applicants to enroll with Absolute Mobile if they are Absolute-Mobileincome-eligible, i.e., their income level is at a qualifying standard. Specific requirements for people living in participating states are listed below.

All Arkansas and Nevada applicants have to meet at least one of these criteria:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Income at or below 135% of Federal Poverty Guideline
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance Section 8 (FPHA)
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) General Assistance
  • Medicaid (not Medicare)
  • Tribally Administered TANF (TATTNF)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Head Start (income-eligible only) (Tribal)
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
  • National School Lunch Program’s free lunch programs

The beneficiary of the program (the person who receives a phone) can be a different person than the applicant. The applicant has to certify on Absolute Mobile application that the beneficiary lives in the same household and does not get help from any other free phone provider.

If you meet the requirements and want to apply, you have to fill in an Absolute Mobile application form (online or simply print it out and fax/mail it by contacts listed below). The application form can be downloaded from the official webpage, www.absolutemobilephones.com.

What do you get if you enroll in an Absolute Mobile free government cell phone assistance program?

You receive one cell phone for free together with 100 free minutes renewed monthly.  No deposits or credit checks are required to use the service. The phone is given with no additional costs, basic features like voice mail, caller I.D., and call waiting.  In case you run out of free minutes in any given month, you can always purchase some extra minute packages at the AbsoluteMobile website, under “Add Minutes/Data” tag.

Refer a friend promo: Absolute Mobile gives you 100 free extra minutes if you refer a friend, and he gets approved for the service. (It cannot be a member of your household!). Call Absolute Mobile customer service to get more information.

Absolute Mobile contact information:

  • Absolute Mobile
  • P.O. Box 831327
  • Ocala, Florida 34483-1327
  • Telephone: 855.574.2032
  • Fax: 877.433.2161