Cintex Wireless Lifeline Free Cell Phones Program

Free wireless phones from Cintex Wireless are provided under the terms of the Lifeline Federal Communication Commission program. Among other providers, Cintex subsidizes certain categories of the American population living in Arkansas, Maryland, Maine, Rhode Island, and West Virginia with a free handset at its own cost. In contrast, the free of charge minutes are distributed under the Universal Service Fund. The provider pays for the phones given through the program with its funds, not using a penny from the taxpayers’ money to service those in real need.

Besides a free government cell phone program, Cintex Wireless also is a retailer of prepaid no-contract talk, message & data plans.

Qualification Guidelines for Cintex Wireless Lifeline Phones

Cintex Wireless logoEach state might have its specifics regarding possible enrollment in Lifeline-based assistance. However, general qualification standards for a free gov phone are similar. Cintex Wireless at its official website ( states that to subscribe for a no-cost phone and plan, you need to be a participant/receiver of federal aid initiatives for poor citizens such as Food Stamps or Medicaid. The list of qualifying initiatives also includes National Free School Lunch, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Supplemental security income, Federal Housing (section 8) assistance, Public Assistance to Adults, Electrical Universal Service Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Maryland Energy Assistance Program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Assistance Program, etc.

There is no need to worry if one is not officially subscribed to any of these support types. A citizen can qualify based on an annual family income amount. It has to be lower than the number listed in annually updated Federal and/or State Poverty guidelines. In this case, an applicant will need to certify that the household income is at or below 135 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines when filling in Cintex Wireless application.

Cintex Wireless

Aside from participation in federal benefits or being low-income family, in some states it is possible to enroll Cintex Wireless free government cell phone program based on a fact of living on Tribal land and participating in related aid programs like Bureau of Indian Affairs General assistance, Tribally Administered temporary assistance for Needy Families, Head Start, and/or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations.

In any of the cases making a candidate eligible, proof of program participation or income level is required at the step of the application. One free Lifeline account is allowed per home.

Cintex Wireless Free Cell Phone Plan

Most of the Lifeline benefits providers offer as much as 250 airtime minutes plan at no charge. Cintex Wireless is different in the way that it gives only 90. One text is equal to one minute. On the bright side, the unused minutes roll over to the next month. Moreover, additional airtime can be added with Cintex Wireless top-up options. For instance, 20 extra minutes cost only $3. An unlimited plan for texts & minutes costs $50. To get more information on Cintex Wireless phone, please, refer to the company’s web or ask for a consultation at more than 100,000 locations that sell CW services or Cintex Wireless customer service.