TerraCom Wireless Customer Service Contacts: Phone Number, Chat, Email

This page is TerraCom Wireless customer service contact details with tips and shortcuts to get the fastest response and technical assistance. Learn how to get live support from TerraComWireless through calling or chatting.

What is TerraCom Wireless Customer Service Phone Number:

If you want to reach a representative, call TerraCom Wireless customer service phone number 1-888-716-8880. Operation hours: 24/7.

TerraCom Wireless Website:


The internet site of this telecommunication carrier, www.terracomwireless.com, is the primary source of information about all Lifeline and non-Lifeline prepaid plans offered by the company in some states. Most of the data is about free government cell phone program subsidized by the federal authorities through the Universal Service Fund. TerraCom has an option for mobile and smartphone upgrades. If you do not like the free phone you’ve got from the provider, you can choose a better one at terraconwireless.com. Of course, additional fees apply for an upgrade, but you can get an Apple iPhone 4 for $99.99, for instance.

TerraCom Wireless Customer Care Live Chat:

TerraCom Wireless customer serviceIf you have an issue with the phone or the service, leave a ticket for technical support using Terracom Wireless customer care online chat form at http://www.livehelpnow.net/lhn/TicketsVisitor.aspx?lhnid=7413.

TerraCom Wireless Customer Care Email:

The customer service of Terracom Wireless has not given any email addresses. Instead, there is a unique form on the company’s website where anyone can leave an email message for the representatives of the carrier. It can be found at https://www.terracomwireless.com/contact.php page.

Stay in touch with the company by liking its TerraCom Wireless Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TerracomUSA/ and leave a message for the company’s representatives to answer there.

TerraCom Wireless Customer Care Fax Number:

No fax number is specified.

TerraCom Wireless Mailing Address:                           

Terra Com Wireless, PO Box 13006, Oklahoma City, OK 73113.

About the Company

TerraCom Wireless is a Lifeline and prepaid non-Lifeline service of TerraCom, Inc. Typical clients of TW are low-income families and households who need free phone assistance. And the company provides it in the form of free government smartphones and free monthly talk&text plans. If you have more questions about the company and its products, contact TerraCom Wireless customer service.